Why do people care about the way you spend your money?

2 min readFeb 19, 2022

That’s a very fair question. I do want to know why some of them got this shady behavior of telling others what they should or should not buy.

I don’t get why the way you spend your money would be of anyone’s business. If I’m certain, whether you worked hard for getting paid¹ or robbed someone on the street, it’s still up to you to decide what destination you should give to the money you got.

Back to when I worked at that cozy little company I always kindly talk about, I started being called out for the unusual way I like to spend my money. That was kind of maybe² one of the reasons why I was fired. Everything started when I came up to work on a Monday morning with a pair of AirPods on. In June 2018, almost no one had one of those and people at my last job acted like I’d just opened Pandora’s box³.

They were already aware of my (bad) habit of spending way too much money on Apple products (to be honest, I only own those AirPods and a 2016’s iPhone SE, so I’m not quite a fanboy). In December 2017, I asked my boss for⁴ some money in order to buy a MacBook. Although she was pretty kind and open to doing it and although I recognized that that was too much, she silently refused and we’ve never talked about it again. Not only did she decide not to lend me any money, she also let everyone know what I asked for, putting me in a category of being a dumb and broke loser. They couldn’t bear to deal with such nonsense, and the wound that led me to leaving the company had just been opened⁵.

Besides that, everyone around me agrees that I don’t need to buy a MacBook. I disagree justifying that if I let them start driving the way I “waste” my money, maybe I’ll be held back from getting an important course or taking a desirable trip in the future. Plus, the last time I did what I thought my mother would approve in place of doing what I actually wanted to, I lost thousands of reais. If I hadn’t listened to her⁶, maybe I would’ve bought a MacBook.

Tria. December 19th, 2019.

  1. I would now use "to get paid". The way I wrote this seemed a little strange (even though I can’t tell you why!).
  2. I still remember I got this "kind of maybe" from Gia Gunn telling BenDeLaCreme she had a motherly figure. Love the hesitation that comes moments before a shady remark.
  3. Maybe I really did. They were gooped!
  4. I think I should not have written this "for". Seems incorrect to me.
  5. What a romantic way to talk about something so common.
  6. That is actually not fare to say this about my mother. The way I delivered this text made it seem like she intended to have me be made a fool of, which was not the case. Both her and I were played for fools.

Tria. February 19th, 2022.




Tria is currently 26 years old. They are studying Chemical Engineering and have just joined their country’s Navy forces. 🇧🇷 & 🇺🇸